Monday, 4 October 2021

New Bike Shop

London Cycle Workshop shop

The London Cycle Workshop have opened a shop in Bond Street. It is the fourth cycle shop to open in Ealing since the introduction of the low-traffic neighbourhoods. All are located in the area around the  Loveday Road, Mattock Lane, Olive Road and Junction Road LTNs. Cycling has nearly doubled in the area since the LTNs were introduced, stimulating demand for the new shops. 

Four bike shops that have opened in Ealing since September 2020

However, Ealing Council is planning to remove the low-traffic neighbourhoods this week, which is likely to have a negative impact on these newly created green jobs. When the council removed LTN21 cycling fell by about 20 percent. 

The London Cycle Workshop services and repairs bikes, sells accessories and clothing, but doesn't sell bicycles. Unusually, it also hires bike boxes - useful if you ever take your bike on a plane.   It is the latest in a small chain of independent cycle shops that started in Battersea in 2009. 

The London Cycle Workshop is at 39 Bond Street, Ealing W5 5AS  Tel: 020 8075 5222.