Tuesday, 20 August 2019

Have your Say on the Cycleway

The long awaited East-West Cycle Super Highway from Shepherd's Bush is finally coming to Ealing and the council wants to hear your views. At four side roads with the A40, it plans to ban motor vehicles turning across the cycle path. This will make it much safer for cyclists as it removes the risk of being hit by a turning vehicle. The surrounding streets should be more pleasant to cycle in, as cars and lorries will no longer be able to cut through Allan Way to Saxon Drive - two roads that cyclists are likely to use as they provide the most direct link between Ealing town centre and the the new cycleway.

If you cycle through here and would like to see a safer cycle route, please take a minute to support this scheme by completing the survey.

You can see full details of the consultation here.

The consultation will be open until 2 September 2019