Thursday, 8 July 2021

Save our Low-Traffic Neighbourhoods

The council is carrying out a consultation on the following Low-Traffic Neighbourhoods. If they are removed, it will make cycling and walking in these areas 3 to 4 times more dangerous.

 If you live in, work in, or travel through any of these LTNs, please make sure your voice is heard. 

It is important to have your say, even if you have already responded to the statutory ETOs, provided feedback by email or via the council’s Commonplace website.
You can however formally respond to any of the LTN scheme's consultations by emailing or by posting your response to: Highway’s service, Perceval House, 14-16 Uxbridge Road, W5 2HL, quoting reference ORD XXXXX.
Please quote the following reference for each LTN:
    • LTN 8: Olive Road - ORD 4252A
    • LTN 20: West Ealing North - ORD 4261A
    • LTN 25: Acton Central - ORD 4259A
    • LTN 30: Loveday Road - ORD 4257A
    • LTN 32: Junction Road - ORD 4254A
    • LTN 34: Glendun Road (Bowes Road) - ORD 4255A
    • LTN 35: Mattock Lane - ORD 4256B
    • LTN 48: Adrienne Avenue - ORD 4253A
If you need any help in taking part in the consultations, e.g., if you need a paper copy, please write to us at highway services, Perceval House, 14-16 Uxbridge Road, W5 2HL.