Thursday, 31 January 2019

CS9 Final Consultation - Please Respond!

TfL has finally released their long-awaited report on Cycle Route CS9 from Brentford to Olympia. A number of changes requested by LCC and local groups have been incorporated in the updated plans and further improved a generally high quality scheme.

However we aren't quite home and dry yet. Because of changes from the original plan there is a new mini-consultation on two sections of the route:

  • Kew Bridge Road
  • Chiswick High Road - Dukes Avenue to Dukes Road

Please Respond to this Mini-Consultation!

The mini-consultation is really asking if TfL's ideas for Kew Bridge and the area outside the Catholic church by Duke Road on Chiswick High Road are better than the original proposals, and if you have any further ideas for improvements and tweaks. We really want everyone - you, your friends and family - to respond and make sure the end result is as good as it can be.

  1.  Please respond using the TfL online form 
  2.  The response is "free format".  For your voice to be heard, it is important to use your own words as "template" responses will be grouped together.  Just stick your own ideas in.
  3. We are still working on our detailed response, but we'd suggest you might want to put in:
    1. Anything about how these new plans may help you and your family.
    2. Saying if you like the new plans.
    3. Any specific points you want to make.  We think they fix some of the issues raised most in the consultation - and so are worth supporting.
    4. In the Kew Bridge section, we will ask for improvements to the junction with Green Dragon Lane. We also think Wellesley Road may need some kind of physical barrier to stop cars trying to sneak in or out.
  4. If you want to see what other people think, we have set up a discussion on Cyclescape
  5. There are two drop-in sessions on Wed 6 Feb and Sat 16 Feb so you can discuss the plans with TfL (details in consultation link)
  6. Please tell your friends and colleagues about the consultation and ask them to respond as well.

Your support is appreciated to keep up the momentum for CS9 and other major West London schemes that will follow.