Sunday, 31 December 2017

Council vote for safer Uxbridge Road

On 19 December 2017 Ealing Councillors voted to take action to make the Uxbridge Road safer for all users - particularly pedestrians and cyclists. Following the death of Claudia Manera in West Ealing members of Ealing Cycling Campaign and others formed a group called Make Uxbridge Road Safe!. They organised a march and collected over1800 signatures, which triggered a debate of the full council. The campaign was picked up by Conservative Ealing Common councillor Joanna Dabrowska who proposed a motion based on one suggested by Make Uxbridge Road Safe!. Councillors voted unanimously to support the motion which calls for a review of the Uxbridge Road that will identify any sections that fail to meet the London Cycle Design Standards. The council has also committed to bring the road up to the London Cycle Design Standards where possible.

The full wording of the motion is below:

This Council notes that following the tragic death of Claudia Manera on the Uxbridge Road (October 2017), a local group, Make Uxbridge Road Safe, formed with the stated objective to campaign for roads across London – including and especially the Uxbridge Road, to offer protected space for cycling in line with the Mayor’s promise to triple this protected space. 
This comes after the death of 2 cyclists and 2 pedestrians on this stretch of road and 46 more suffering serious injuries in the past 5 years.

In support of this stated objective and to help prevent future tragedies, this Council will:
1) Carry out a review of pedestrian accident “black spots” along the Uxbridge Road. Following the review, carry out work to make the pedestrian “black spots” safer, giving priority to completing the most dangerous sections first. The review and safety measures should give special consideration to wheelchair users, parents with young children, older residents and other vulnerable groups, including motorcyclists.

2) Carry out a Cycle Level of Service (CLoS) audit of the Uxbridge Road, which has already been identified by TfL in its own analysis, as one of the top 25 in London for development. The review will be done in accordance with TfL’s London Cycling Design Standards (LCDS) 2014, Chapter 2, to identify the sections that fail to meet LCDS standards. Following the review, carry out improvements where appropriate, so that the Uxbridge Road conforms to LCDS where possible, giving priority to completing the most dangerous sections first. 

3) The Review to include local and independent stakeholders who will work with Ealing Council and Ealing Cycling Commission to deliver improved road safety for all users. 

The Review to be completed by July 2019.

This Council welcomes the good work that has been done by Ealing Council in recent years to encourage greater numbers of residents to take up cycling including initiatives like cycle training, hangars, the distribution of anti-crime devices and improving cycle infrastructure, making cycling easier in Ealing.