Saturday, 28 October 2017

Uxbridge Road March - Statement from London Cycling Campaign

At today's march, LCC Trustee James Heath read the following Statement from Terry Patterson, Chair of London Cycling Campaign:

"We are here to mourn  the loss of a member of our community, and to call for change - and action. Only a few days ago, Claudia Manera died here in Ealing. She was riding her bike on Uxbridge Rd, and a lorry collided with her. It is a terrible thing to lose someone in this way - a brutal and appallingly abrupt end to a life - and I want to pass on my heartfelt condolences to Claudia’s family, friends and colleagues. I speak for everyone at London Cycling Campaign to offer our deepest sympathy at this time.

Everyone who cycles cannot help but be affected by this tragedy, and we must now be looking with even greater concern at the absence of protected space on our roads.

It would be wrong to comment on the details of this case, but the general pattern is grimly familiar to activists across London. Yet again a cyclist is involved in a fatal collision with a lorry. Yet again calls by campaigners to make that collision site safe for active travel have been ignored or sidelined. Too many times we have been asked to speak at similar vigils across London over the years, when warning signs have been obvious and councils alerted to the danger- but no action has been taken.

Today we call afresh for Ealing Council to renew their commitment to active travel, and work with TfL to make this junction and this road safe for vulnerable road users. You may have already heard the figures that in the last five years 2 cyclists and 2 pedestrians have been killed on this stretch of road and 46 more have suffered serious injuries. In the dreadful but impartial language of cost:benefit transport policy, a death has a financial impact to society of approx £2 million.  Appallingly by the governments own data this means that £8 million in 5 years has already been wasted- along with those precious 4 lives -on just this stretch of road. We are paying a high price indeed.....

The Uxbridge Rd where Claudia died is a route already identified by TfL in its own analysis as one of the top 25 in London for development. London Cycling Campaign therefore calls on Will Norman, the Cycling and Walking Commissioner, to ensure that roads across London- including Uxbridge Rd - offer protected space for cycling in line with the Mayor’s promise to triple this protected space.  It is essential that the Mayor, as well as the boroughs, provide safe space for cycling on major roads and hence separate lorries from cyclists. We are working hard to hold them to account.  LCC won a commitment from the Mayor to make safer, Direct Vision lorries "the norm" on London's streets; we are holding him to account, as well as working directly with the industry, to help avoid tragedies like this.

I urge all those who live, work and study in Ealing to sign the petition and support this important campaign. I would like to thank all cyclists, pedestrians, drivers, runners, families, wheelchair users and community members for coming today to show your support. Let Claudia’s legacy be the activism you demonstrate today - enough is enough. No more deaths and serious injuries on Uxbridge Road.

Thank you."

Terry Patterson

London Cycling Campaign