Friday, 22 September 2017

Ealing Broadway Cycle Hub Saved...

The landmark cycle parking structure opposite Ealing Broadway station has been spared the axe thanks to a decision from the Planning Inspectorate released 3 August 2017. Ealing Council built the Cycle Hub on Haven Green in 2012, bringing order to a situation that at the time had bicycles chained to any available lamppost or bit of railing people could find. One section of the popular cycle parking structure sits on an area that had been designated as common land in 1968. Although the Friends of Haven Green originally worked to ensure the facility's attractive design fit the landscape when it was built, they later filed a court challenge to demand it be torn down. Ealing Council made two applications to try to save the Cycle Hub: one asked the Inspector to rule it an appropriate public amenity for the common, and the other was to “deregister” the small portion of the common where it stands. Ealing Cycling Campaign provided expert evidence at the public inquiry, and we reached out to supporters this past spring. Many of you wrote to the Planning Inspectorate, asking them to save the Cycle Hub. These supportive comments made up over 90% of the public response, and we thank each and every one of you who wrote in. Inspector Alan Beckett heard all available evidence and directed that the common land designation be removed from the area covered by the Cycle Hub, via an Order of Deregistration. His conclusion reads as follows:

The circumstances of this case are perhaps unique in that the land at issue is both at the centre of a built up area in west London and opposite a major commuter station which is likely to see an increase in passenger traffic with the introduction of Crossrail. The benefits which would accrue to the public and the neighbourhood in terms of an improvement in air quality and a shift towards sustainable means of transport lead me to conclude that this is an exceptional case of the type envisaged in the published policy, where consent for deregistration should be granted without the offer of replacement land being made. Therefore I conclude that the application should be granted and an Order of Deregistration should be given.